FIS Forum with the Social Policy Biennale 2024

FIS Forum with the Social Policy Biennale 2024: Lost in Social Policy? Research for an integrated welfare state

06.-08.11.2024 / Berlin, GLS Campus

Social policy today is characterized by rapid changes in individual fields, pressure on public administration and a plethora of social benefits and social infrastructures that are difficult to navigate for those entitled to them. The resulting fragmentation of social policy as well as the interdependencies in provision and the problems of coordination between different policy areas are increasingly seen as a challenge for adequate service provision and for the overall acceptance of the welfare state. Social policy research has certainly addressed these issues and presented work on interdepartmental and cross-level cooperation in policy formulation, user-friendly administrative structures, digitalization, and coordination management – mostly for selected areas of social policy or specific coordination problems. However, there is still a lack of overarching concepts on how to organize social policy in a way that promotes participation and ensures customized and easier access to benefits, services and infrastructure for citizens and at the same time, simplifies administrative processes and improves cooperation between the many actors involved in social policy.

Against this background, this year’s FIS Forum and Social Policy Biennale invite research inputs aimed at designing better-integrated social policy – ensuring not only adequate service provision but also enhancing cooperation and accessibility from the perspectives of practitioners, policy-makers, citizens, and administrators.

Programme and Registration

You will find information on the programme of this year's FIS Forum with the Social Policy Biennale 2024 and on registration shortly here.